20-24th March 2017

Special reports about Finnish mining companies were published in Chile and in Peru 2017

Two journalists visited Finland: Juan Pablo Aracena from the leading magazine Minería Chilena and Marlene Molleda from the The Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru IIMP visited Finland. Finnish companies received extensive media coverage and visibility at local mining events.

The goal was to publish a special report about the Finnish companies and the mining industry. The story reached a coverage of 20 000 printed magazines in total and in addition virtual distribution.

The special reports were mainly distributed at the following events: at ExpoNor trade fair in Chile, ProEXPLO and in PERUMIN trade fair in Peru. All of these events gathered more than 160 000 visitors. In addition, the Finnish companies received visibility in the social media.

The following companies participated the project:
Metso Oyj, Nokian Renkaat Oyj, Sulzer Pumps in Finland Oy, Normet Oy, Flowrox Oy, Robit Oyj, Kumera Oy, Teknikum Yhtiöt Oy and Merus Power Dynamics Oy.

Attached you can find the special reports:
Special report published in Chile.

Special report published in Peru.

In the picture: CEO Matti Kähkönen, Metso Oyj together with the journalist Juan Pablo Aracena from Minería Chilena (right) and Marlene Molleda from IIMP (left) and Niina Fu.