
2-10 November 2024

Peruvian Delegation will attend Finnmateria 2024

Mining Delegation from Peru is set to explore innovations in the mining industry at FinnMateria 2024, the premier trade fair in the Nordic countries. They will delve into Finland’s success story in mining innovation and digitalization, achieved through strategic partnerships between private enterprises, research institutions, and government support.

The delegation will have the opportunity to examine the transformative Next Generation Mining (NGMining) project, showcasing how 5G and AI solutions are revolutionizing mining practices for enhanced safety, efficiency, and sustainability. Key collaborators in this initiative include Sandvik, Nokia, and the VTT Research Centre, with backing from Business Finland.

The itinerary includes in addition the following visits:
– visit to Finnmateria 2024, the foremost mining exhibition in the Nordic region
– the Siilinjärvi phosphate mine – Finland’s largest open pit producing one million tons of apatite concentrate annually
– the Sandvik test mine
– and the specialized laboratories of the Geological Survey of Finland.

Please find the program attached:
Program for Chilean companies
Program for Peruvian companies

23rd August – 1st September 2024

Latin American Forestry Delegation visits FINNMETKO Trade Show in Finland

How to create a more competitive and efficient forestry sector?

Exciting opportunity for professionals in the forestry sector from Latin America! Join a delegation to Finland, a top 10 most innovative country, to explore cutting-edge experiences and technologies. The road-show is tailored for SMEs and forestry companies from Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, and Colombia.

Program in Spanish:

Program in Portuguese:

Don’t miss the chance to enhance competitiveness and efficiency in the forestry sector!

Download Program (spanish)
Download Program (brasil)

More information:
Niina Fu

10th April 2024

Hotel President

120€ + VAT

10th April 2024

Seminar in Helsinki: Wood Construction in Latin America

Welcome to seminar on Wednesday 10th April 2024 in Helsinki to hear Chilean presentations about Latin American wood construction market, opportunities for Finnish companies and to network with the companies.

Chilean wooden construction delegation will visit Finland & Sweden on 9-12 April 2024 (17 companies). Leading companies from the sector will be traveling and some of the companies operate internationally in Latin America, USA, Canada and in Europe.

Companies are looking for cooperation opportunities and want to learn about Finnish know-how.

Registrations: Niina Fu

20-24th November 2023

Finnish Wood Construction Delegation visited Chile 20-24th NOV 2023

The delegation visit was organized in cooperation with the CENAMAD, Chilean Centre for Innovation in Wood Construction at Catolica University and Niina Fu Consulting.The aim of the trip was to promote the exports of the Finnish wood construction cluster in Latin America.

Niina Fu Ltd conducted a market analyses about the opportunities of wood construction in Latin America. The conclusion of the study was that, the main barrier to wood construction is a lack of experience and expertese.

The main message of the study is clear: expert partners are needed in the region.

The visit will culminate to an event to which the entire Chilean wood construction cluster will be invited:

The delegation met with Chile’s leading construction companies, contractors, investors, representatives of architectural companies, wood product distributors and other industry players. Visits to local production units and timber construction sites will also be undertaken.

The long-term objective is to open markets for Finnish companies and to make the countries as a strategic partner for the Latin American wood construction industry.

25th November 2022

Seminar at Expocorma 2022, Chile : Why did South American giants choose Finland to accelerate innovation?

Latin American forestry giants invest on the Finnish innovation ecosystem and start-ups. Innovation and Information Manager Felipe Alcalde from CMPC explains the phenomenon and growing interest towards Finland.

Finnish Pavilion dives deeper into the phenomenon on why Finnish innovation ecosystem has caught the eye of the Latin American forestry giants.

Marjaana Suorsa from the Finnish Forest Industries Federation’s presents the Finnish innovation ecosystem and the recents trends in innovation in the forestry sector.

Recent investments to Finland:

2022 – CMCPC Ventures, CMPC invested 20 MEUR opened its new office Finland at University of Aalto

2022 – CMPC and the Finnish Norm Bioproducts Group to develop textile fiber from cellulose. An initial investment of 6.5 million euros from CMPC

2023 – Espoo-based startup Woamy has raised 1 million euros in a seed round led by CMPC Ventures

2022 – The world’s largest wood pulp producer Suzano from Brazil, invested estimated 22 million euro to build the first commercial scale SPINNOVA®production facility in Jyväskylä Finland

2024 – Beontag, Brazilian manufacturer of adhesives and smart tags, invested in a global R&D center to Tampere 40 million USD

Read more in Spanish:

24th March 2022

Mining Webinar in Chile: Finnish Innovation Ecosystem

This webinar is organized in cooperation with the Antofagasta Industrial Association and Niina Fu Consulting.During the webinar we addressed the key points to the success of Finnish ecosystem of innovation, present Finnish ecosystem and startups as well as hear a presentation from a Chilean professor from the University of Applied Sciences Haaga-Helia about ”the differences…

8 March 2022

Webinar organized by Business Finland: Energy Transition in Chile and results of a market study

Niina Fu Ltd carried a market analyses for Business Finland related to the following topic:

Chile’s competitiveness in renewable energy production and the global need for clean energy carriers has opened possibilities to creation of a new economic sector in the country.

Join us for this webinar on 8 March at 15:00 – 16:30 EET to hear about the current state of Green Hydrogen, what opportunities it offers for Finnish companies. Also results of a market study on energy transition in Chile with a specific focus on green hydrogen will be released. Read more.

5th October 2020

Niina Fu Ltd. carried out a study about mining opportunities for Finnish companies in Chile to Business Finland

The Chilean mining portfolio includes 44 projects amounting to a total of US$ 72,503 million between 2019-2028. The study analyses 18 of these projects, which makes a representation over 51% of the total investments

.The study had a special interest in: water, tailings, energy and process efficiency.
Another important goal was to analyse business opportunities and identify practical methods for Finnish companies on how to carry out successful business in Chile.

Niina Fu & team made 17 personal interviews to fulfill this study.

27-29th August 2018

Mexican sawmills traveled to Finland to look for solutions to improve production

The delegation consisted of local small-scale sawmills from the Mexican state of Jalisco, a consulting firm and forestry organization, Clúster Forestal. The local CONAFOR, the state’s National Forestry Commission, financially supported the delegation. Jalisco is the seventh largest state in Mexico, which has about 250 sawmills and it is one most important regions for the…

The program included visits to equipment suppliers, Keuda Vocational College, Metsäteollisuus Ry and presentations about the Finnish sawmill industry.

The main goal of the trip was to find working technology for small sawmills and increase their productivity. The broader goal is to increase technology transfer in order to improve the productivity of the small sawmill industry.

Puumies_8_2018 s 36

8-10th November 2017

Rock start at the Finnish Pavilion at Forestry Trade Fair Expocorma in Chile 2017?

Twelve Finnish companies participated Expocorma, the Chilean forest trade fair organized by Niina Fu Consulting.The pavilion received unexceptional media coverage The pavilion companies and the the Finnish Ambassador Mr. Markus Leinonen was interviewed by three different TV channels were interviewed by 8 different newspaprs and 4 TV channels at our Pavilion.Find selected interviews:Diario El Sur: El…

20-24th March 2017

Special reports about Finnish mining companies were published in Chile and in Peru 2017

Two journalists visited Finland: Juan Pablo Aracena from the leading magazine Minería Chilena and Marlene Molleda from the The Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru IIMP visited Finland. Finnish companies received extensive media coverage and visibility at local mining events.

The goal was to publish a special report about the Finnish companies and the mining industry. The story reached a coverage of 20 000 printed magazines in total and in addition virtual distribution.

The special reports were mainly distributed at the following events: at ExpoNor trade fair in Chile, ProEXPLO and in PERUMIN trade fair in Peru. All of these events gathered more than 160 000 visitors. In addition, the Finnish companies received visibility in the social media.

The following companies participated the project:
Metso Oyj, Nokian Renkaat Oyj, Sulzer Pumps in Finland Oy, Normet Oy, Flowrox Oy, Robit Oyj, Kumera Oy, Teknikum Yhtiöt Oy and Merus Power Dynamics Oy.

Attached you can find the special reports:
Special report published in Chile.

Special report published in Peru.

In the picture: CEO Matti Kähkönen, Metso Oyj together with the journalist Juan Pablo Aracena from Minería Chilena (right) and Marlene Molleda from IIMP (left) and Niina Fu.

5-8th September 2016

Chilean sawmill Forestal Leonera visited Finland

Chilean sawmill, Forestal Leonera,visited Finland and the goal was to get to know the Finnish sawmills cluster and technology supply.

Chilean sawmill Forestal Leonera visited Finland in September 2015.

”Finland is an advanced technology country and
a good model for us for Chileans. We come
clearly behind, but about me countries have good ones potential to cooperation”, ALEJANDRO RUÍZ.

Read more about the visit in Finland in the article published by Puumies magazine.

25-29th November 2015

Finnish Pavilion at Forestry Trade Fair at EXPOCORMA 2015 in Chile

Seven Finnish companies participated the Finnish Pavilion at the Chilean forestry trade fair Expocorma.

In order to strengthen its presence in the Chilean timber market, a group of Finnish companies specialized in the manufacture of equipment, technology and solutions for the sawmilling and wood processing sector participated Expocorma trade fair in Chile.

23-29 August 2015

Sawmills from Chile and Argentina visited Finland 2015

20 technicians and specialists from Chile, Uruguay and Argentina visited Finland in August 2015.

The goal of the visit was to find new and efficient sawmill technology from Finland. The program included several visits to suppliers and highly automatized sawmills.

The project is organized in cooperation with Chilean Lignum-magazine and Niina Fu Consulting!

16th April 2015

Finnish Sawtec event attracted 25 Chilean sawmills

SAWTEC CHILE 2015, on 16th April 2015, gathered more than 110 participants from the sawmill sector and 25 sawmills were represented at the DUOC University. The one day event included educative workshops organized by Finnish technological companies in Concepción, Chile.

The event was moderated by Ambassador Markus Leinonen and the day was filled with workshops on analyzing: “How to automate sawmill operations successfully?”.

Organized by Niina Fu

27 March 2014

Seminar in Antofagasta, Chile: Finland – The Most Attractive Mining Location 2014

The event was organized in cooperation with the University of Antofagasta, Chile and Niina Fu Consulting. Five Finnish companies presented and in addition GTK held presentations at the seminar.See the program here (In Spanish).